Wednesday, 26 October 2016

How a picture moves on

Hello folks!

I'd like to share with you something I find very useful for my art.

I do use to photograph my pieces
when I 'm working on them, 
specially just before I stop the session..
This helps me to understand better colours and shapes,
and what needs to be adjusted.

Here an example..

Nearly there, little man, few more brushstrokes...
 and you'll arrive!

Saturday, 1 October 2016

The world of Beauty

Dear folks,
I spent the last month or so,
enjoying nature as much as possible..
I travelled to the
magical Swedish landscapes,

 slept on blankets of deer moss,

and then came back to the English woods, 
my beloved treasures

to hug my trees

and being surprised by friends.

I found new paths leading to

incredible moments and spaces

into the strength and marvel of God

It has been time for eyes and for the heart
and now, 
I'm looking forward to live 
all these treasures in my Art!