(WEAK was the prompt for this drawing)
If this word sounds a bit unfamiliar with you,
it did to me until this year, too!
Inktober is a 31 drawing challenge hosted on
the social media app
by the renowned illustrator Mr Jake Parker in 2009.
Since then the event grew bigger and bigger.
Basically, each day of the month we challenge ourselves to make a drawing,
not a finished artwork or a colour study, just a drawing,
as simple or complex as we want.
For 31 days in a row.
STAR was the prompt for this drawing)
I decided to give it a try, and
even if I couldn't persist every single day (it,s harder than you think!)
I did most of them.
I was very happy to follow the official prompts, as
I think Jake is a teacher, and he knows how
to challenge and sparkle the imagination.
Sometimes the most boring words are the most difficult
to illustrate in a new way.
(EXHAUSTED was the prompt of this one )
Also, having to post the drawings on our Instagram feed,
everybody strives to do his/her best.
It becomes a real challenge, also a real community of people
achieving, struggling, cheering, and crying.
All because of pure passion!
What I can say, and it was hard to believe
when I started,
is that now I love to find time to draw.
I don't fear the white page of the sketchbook anymore,
because I can do things for myself,
warm up my hand,
drawing from imagination, from reference,
and even study my favourite characters from other illustrators
I always write date and who is my reference,
as I think it is nice in the future to see who influenced my days!
(EXPENSIVE prompt)
For Inktober, I decided to try something new
( which is I think also part of the challenge)
and did my drawings on paper, then imported most of them in Photoshop
and played with ink brushes a bit.
So I became even more familiar with my new digital tools
and that was immensely helpful.
(SPELL prompt )
Now , do I recommend Inktober for you?
Yes, either if you are a pro, or a beginner,
because I could see that assignments
pushed me more than what I normally do .
(STRETCH prompt)
I haven't been taking part to art challenges before,
now I will hunt for more interesting ones, and let you know!