Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Folktale week 2018

Another month
another challenge!

In the previous post I described my first experience with Inktober, a
31 days drawing challenge,
and here is another one.
Differently from Inktober
Folktale week was not only about drawing,
and it was the FIRST time ever that it was on this year.

Folktake Week  is an art challenge
hosted on Instagram
by a group of artist and illustrators around the globe
(like Tanja StephaniDevon Holzwarth, Sofia Moore)
It takes place in a week, this year from
November 12 to 18
and it doesn't have any technique requirements at all.

In fact, it can include painting, drawing, photograph, video, all sort of arts.
The only requirement so far,
as I understood,
is about the telling of a story, either existing or created.
It is like a community assignment where
we push each other to make steps towards our goal of illustrating stories,
either drawing characters, scenes, making colour studies or a dummy.

This challenge is probably more niche like
then Inktober,
but given my interest in illustration ,
I gladly  took part!
This time, I very broadly followed the prompts,
and did my own studies for
Little red riding hood.

Even from this challenge,
I came away enriched.
I spent some of the most fun time
drawing with just coloured pencils,

and trying out some setting studies,
which I had never done in this way before.

I think having an assignment and
having somehow commit to the event
I felt more motivated .
In fact, from long time I said I needed to try
illustrating a classic, but never got round to it.
So I'm thankful to the opportunity to invest in myself
even through this art challenges!