Sunday, 1 November 2020

Location drawing

Location drawing is my biggest and best discovery  of 2020.

It started off with a chat with Ness Wood, mentor at Orange Beak Studio , where I booked

an online tutorial to see how I could improve my art.

Ness's suggestion was to "go out and draw from observation", 

and since it was summer, and lockdown in the Uk had been lifted, I decided to give it a go.

The first times I mostly had to do with my fear, on the page, but every time I went out to draw, it got a bit easier. Easier to accept mistake and to brave experimentation.

I tried new materials, less paint and more dry tools, like coloured pencils and markers (easier to carry).

I used gouache to correct things, and that made me feel more relaxed: mistakes can be fixed!

If there was a sketch I particularly liked, once back in the studio I carried on working on it. 

I could see new themes, likings and rhythms coming up.

Generally I try to go out once a week, even now that is autumn. I plan my day according to the forecast. The coldest I sat down to draw was 4 degrees, and it was bearable for an hour, to lay down the composition and fix in my mind the values, take some pictures and... lots of hot rosehip tea.

Location drawing reminded me that I got a BA degree in landscape painting... it seems ages ago!

At university we went out with giant canvases and paint what we saw, and what I like was to be out, but not so much to paint realistically.

What  I really love of this new habit , is that I can travel light (ish!)

and that I can play with my imagination. Wildly.

I see stories and animals in my drawings, and I let them in.

I can decide which colours to use, even if they are not true to nature

( as long as I stick with the values, light and dark areas).

This excites me immensely. 

Nature and art are my favourite things on the planet, and I got to enjoy them both at the same time!

The way I decide about my subject is

by walking around, and waiting to see a place, even just a corner, that makes me feel

the magic I felt when I was a child.

I loved to tuck myself under trees and bushes and imagine I was a creature of the woods.

I lived their stories in my mind, by finding their homes.

What I take with me , basically is:
-Sketchbooks, I use Royal Talens
-My colour sketchbook, a place where I note all my favourite colour combination
-Markers, I like Tombow dual tip and Ecoline Brush markers
-Coloured pencils, my favourites are Luminance by Caran D'Ache
-A selection of acrylic gouache , by Holbein Acryla Goauche
Then a tiny container for water, couple of kitchen papers or tissues, and a
small plastic box with a secure lid,
where I put some wet tissues and some tracing paper cut to size on top, 
and this is a simple "stay-wet" palette if I need.
Brushes (nothing fancy), sharpener and rubber. 

If you feel inspired, in the spring I will do more of my Arty walks
on the Isle of Wight,
where I share tips and inspiration to sketch outdoors.

On my Instagram feed, 
I post also the photos of the places where I go,
if you fancy a look!

Monday, 12 October 2020

Woodland treasures

 Here in Britain

Autumn has arrived.

With all its treasures, and a more chilled air.

The woodlands are beautiful in this season, and I feel so grateful

to be able to sit there, observe, listen and draw.


This is my first year spent drawing outside

and I cherish these moments

like the ones spent with a loved one. Precious.

I also went for a few days in Italy, 

while was still possible to travel without to many restrictions

(at least from Britain to Italy).

The things I treasure the most of this trip

are the days out in Nature.

Every place has its special feeling, scents, and colours.

I  find Italian woods very different the British ones,

they are drier in a way, but still vibrant and full of life 

and perhaps more sweet scents...

 I have of them lots of memories

of walking with my little dog, almost 10 years ago now.

What I like of nature, and hope you will agree,

is that it always gives something new, always has a new light, different air, sounds...

Always welcomes you in a different mood, but always listens.

The possibility to spend time in a place, visit it often, to get familiar with it, 

and to experience its ever changing atmospheres, is what makes me feel at HOME.

Autumn is also a time where many of us feel the need to retreat,

to find the space inside.

And this is also what I feel, these days, specially when it gets dark.

Yesterday I went out collecting acorns to make ACORN COFFEE, 

a recipe I discovered this year and put in my 2021 Woodland Calendar.

This special drink is also what I will take with me this Saturday in my 

second Arty Walk, to taste together while we walk in the woods.

During these weeks,

I have also added new items to my Etsy shop,

You can now order a framed print of your favourite image I created,

a service many people had asked me for , and now is available!

Plus new homemade treasures on the way,

for your Christmas gifts (also listed in my Etsy shop)!

I am sure this autumn will gift us
many colours and discoveries!

Till next time,
take care of yourself... there is not a bigger treasure.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Arty Walks!

 Autumn, when the light gets soft, and the air sweet, and

my favourite word is COSY..

I have a new Adventure which I hope will bring you

as much inspiration as it does to me!


is a combination of walking in the stunning nature of the Isle of Wight,

sketching the landscape to inspire our best memories and get creative,

and wild foraging to know all the treasures that Nature offers us in this colourful season.

I lived on this magical Island for almost 9 years, and I always felt intimidated to draw its beauty,

until I discovered that I could take my imagination with me.

Yes, I can look what is in front of me, and make it mine.

If I want, I can add my favourite animals, colours and stories to my drawings outside, 

just as I do when I am inventing them in the studio. 

And by allowing creativity to step in, the landscape become suddenly a different setting, 

full of magic.

Even in cinema they do it a lot: many movies have a colour filter applied to them, 

to better convey emotions and suggest atmosphere and drama. 

When I draw what I see, I feel I am talking with "IT", I feel I learn about it,

and the challenge of making sense of it on the page is like a childlike game.

Once you start, you are part of a discussion between the material and the place. It's so interesting.

And sometimes, I think speding hours in the same place, outside, 
gives me the chance to listen, to see, to experience
things that I normally wouldn't notice 
in the everyday rush.

I feel very inspired by the Walk to see community.

#walktosee is an hashtag that people use on Instagram when they draw from location and it is so varied

 and interesting... you can really see that every personality has its own way to see life!

I thought to share all the good energy I get from these sketching walks,

together with what I learnt in these years about Wild foraging

(herehere  and here I talk a bit about it)

Autumn gives us a lot of treasures: berries, mushrooms and seeds, 

all full of minerals and nutrients, plus many more treasures to discover!

Given the actual guidelines about Covid, spaces on the Arty Walks are limited 

and booking will be essential.

Price is £15 for each person.

The walk will take about 2 hours, and all you need to take with you are

basic art materials ( few sketchbooks and pencil, or watercolours, or your favourite drawing material)

and forager kit ( a cloth bag or wicker basket, secateurs and gloves).

If you are interested in joining in, please send me a message through Facebook.

It's gonna be MAGIC.

First walk: Sat 26th September, 11 am/13pm, Niton
Second walk: Sat 17th October, 11 am to 13 pm, Newchurch

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

2021 Calendar

 Hi everyone!

I have the best news for you: my 2021 Calendar is out!

This is my third calendar and, in my opinion, is the best product I have created so far!

Along side my illustrations, that will feature a quirky bunch of cute woodland creatures,

I have put together 12 original and delicious vegetarian recipes,

to keep you in good health and tasty mood

all through the year.

And of course, I kept the tradition of marking 

all the interesting world days.

This calendar goes out to the world today 19th August,

and already I have orders from many places around the globe:

Australia, New Zealand, USA, Germany, Italy, Holland..

and I couldn't be happier.

The quality of this product, I believe is very high.

You will be able to find it here.

I have a great interest in cookery, and when I don't paint, cooking is probably 

where my creativity finds its way.

To create these 12 recipes, I did a good amount of research and testing. 

I wanted plant based recipes, just because in general, i love them, and I tried to keep them varied, including starters, soups, snacks and main dishes.

If you try them , let me know what you think!

To a tasty and zesty 2021!

Friday, 17 July 2020

Summer vibes

Hey Folks,
hope you are well!

Here is an update on how my summer is flowing!
I have been super busy with my 

which is already available for Pre order..
A true labour of love, 
that features not only my sweet art,
but my love for cookery
and healthy food.

There is a recipe for every month of the year, 
curated by me, and all vegetarian!
Being Italian , cookery has always been one my dearest interests!

In the spring I started some Arty videos
about cookery and storytelling, and in the calendar 
you will find some of the characters I take with my 
on wild foraging walks

You can find more sneak peeks on 

I finally took a much needed holiday break in July
and went on a wild camping holiday
in the Scottish Lochs

It was much colder than where I live, in the South of the Country,
but it was truly magical to be alone in nature
without electricity, people and wi-fi around.

I washed my clothes in a stream ( with eco friendly soap!),
 had showers using a bucket with water heated on the fire, 
did long paddling meditation sessions, 
and walking to see waterfalls and magical landscapes.
I cooked the most tasty meals on the fire,

and enjoyed wild swimming in the Lochs,
(the water was super cold, but with a wetsuit it was bearable, 
even nice I say!)

One thing I said to myself
coming back from this epic trip,
is that I live in a wonderful part of the Country,
the Isle of Wight, 
which is also full of nature and sunshine...
and it is worth enjoying it more!

Monday, 8 June 2020

Hullabaloo Art and Science Festival 2020

Good news!
Lucy and her woodland chef's crew
has been selected
to take part in this year AT HOME edition
a colourful event that happens every year on the Isle of Wight
and this year will celebrate 
the Island as the Unesco Biosphere Reserve

Many creative workshops will be free for everyone to attend online,
and we will explore the Island more stunning landscapes
to discover with my animal friends,
 some summer edible wild food,
 and the colourful magic gifts of plants!
I will host a live demo on making colour as well,
on Saturday 20th June at 1 pm (Uk time).

Find all the makers here

Join us for a celebration of nature and its gifts!

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Elderflower risotto

I have been diving deep into nature lately,
as in Britain we are having a wonderful weather..
Thanks to a course on natural ink making with Flora Arbuthnott
I have been inspired to start wild foraging, 
and to discover even more the magic of plants!

In this post I want to share with you a recipe that
I literally invented out of inspiration..
yes, because cooking is an art,
and it lives on inspiration too!


Ingredients for 2 serves:
4/7 elder flower heads, picked in a dry day
1 leek
200 gr risotto rice (Arborio, Carnaroli, or similar)
500 ml Veg stock
half cup of cream
A pinch of grated Parmesan cheese to finish
Organic lemon zest (just a bit)

First, wash the elder flower, cut away the thicker stalks,
and dry it on a natural fabric cloth.
Wash and slice the leek, cook it gently until soft,
add the rice and toast it a bit,
then start adding the veg stock ( not all at once).
While stirring, check that the rice doesn't stick to the pan.
Add a bit of cream (I use soya cream)
At about 10 minutes in,
add the elder flower,
continue adding the stock every now and then.
Taste the rice and when is nearly "al dente",
add the lemon zest (less than half a lemon is enough for
this quantity of rice, as it is very strong flavour ).
When ready, if you wish,
sprinkle the cheese on top
and decorate with one fresh elderflower head and few lemon zest swirls.


Saturday, 2 May 2020

Lucy's Magical Woodland

Lucy's Magical Woodland
is my new project
where I  share with children and young at heart,
my love for cookery, art and storytelling!

This is my woodland chefs crew,
they are experts in natural and tasty food!

The videos are free , published on
a dedicated Youtube channel
and all updates are also posted in the Facebook Page 

In the first episode we made a nettle risotto , and
homemade hedgehogs.
It makes me so happy to teach kids what I know
about food and its beauty, qualities and arty uses !

I hope you will enjoy,
 and experiment along with me!