Monday, 12 October 2020

Woodland treasures

 Here in Britain

Autumn has arrived.

With all its treasures, and a more chilled air.

The woodlands are beautiful in this season, and I feel so grateful

to be able to sit there, observe, listen and draw.


This is my first year spent drawing outside

and I cherish these moments

like the ones spent with a loved one. Precious.

I also went for a few days in Italy, 

while was still possible to travel without to many restrictions

(at least from Britain to Italy).

The things I treasure the most of this trip

are the days out in Nature.

Every place has its special feeling, scents, and colours.

I  find Italian woods very different the British ones,

they are drier in a way, but still vibrant and full of life 

and perhaps more sweet scents...

 I have of them lots of memories

of walking with my little dog, almost 10 years ago now.

What I like of nature, and hope you will agree,

is that it always gives something new, always has a new light, different air, sounds...

Always welcomes you in a different mood, but always listens.

The possibility to spend time in a place, visit it often, to get familiar with it, 

and to experience its ever changing atmospheres, is what makes me feel at HOME.

Autumn is also a time where many of us feel the need to retreat,

to find the space inside.

And this is also what I feel, these days, specially when it gets dark.

Yesterday I went out collecting acorns to make ACORN COFFEE, 

a recipe I discovered this year and put in my 2021 Woodland Calendar.

This special drink is also what I will take with me this Saturday in my 

second Arty Walk, to taste together while we walk in the woods.

During these weeks,

I have also added new items to my Etsy shop,

You can now order a framed print of your favourite image I created,

a service many people had asked me for , and now is available!

Plus new homemade treasures on the way,

for your Christmas gifts (also listed in my Etsy shop)!

I am sure this autumn will gift us
many colours and discoveries!

Till next time,
take care of yourself... there is not a bigger treasure.