Thursday, 2 March 2017

Can't find it? I'll make it!

This week I was searching
for some materials for my artwork,
but also I was researching about some other subjects, 
like natural cosmetics and why not, nice hats
(as in the years I lost all my favorites, one by one!).
All different things, but the conclusion I came to was the same:

If I can't find it, then I'll make it!

And with this idea in mind, I came across 
(could it be only by chance? or by the universal power of intentions?)
some wonderful people 
which have wonderful passions.
Woolly wormhead  is a Hat Architect, a name which sounds very near to a mad hatter...
and maybe it is!

(photo credit Woolly wormhead)

She creates wonderful knitting hats and sells the projects throught her website.
It's worth to have a look to her background too, very interesting ideas!

I also discovered an italian blogger,
 La regina del sapone ( The queen of the soap-sorry the all website is only in italian), 
which presents so many fantastic recipes for natural handmade 
easy and effective shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste, 
(and much more)

(photo credit La regina del sapone)

and this feels so good as my body and the all planet ( no pollution and no waste!)
are enjoying the results ...

Regarding my art, I realize that this motto
if I can't find it, then I'll make it,
is quite normal as budget and time 
are always a challenge
but this creates the opportunity to dive into new things,
learn new skills and explore life in all its curious aspects!
For example, I needed a coloured lace but couldn't find it in local shops.
But I remembered that I had some dying colours for syntethic fibres, that you paint on a paper and transfer with an iron on the fabric.
Well, let's have a go!

And if it doesn't work, what do we do with failing experiments?

I think enjoying the process in itself without too many expectation on the result, but LOTS of interest for what's actually going on,
can lead to interesting discoveries, even some that might come handy in future projects.

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