Monday, 23 December 2019

All the best of this year

Here we are
to another season of gathering thoughts and gratefulness
for all the wonderful experience Life has gifted us this year!
I will share with you my best ones here in this post,
starting from:

You can heal your life , by Louise Hay, 
a wonderful and practical self help book about self love and its miracles
Big Magic, a must read about creativity, I talk about it here.

Cornwall! If you can, stay there for a week or so, the energy of this place 
is a real healing powerful gift from Mother Nature! IT is full of nature, history, beauty,
art and magical hidden villages!

Kayaking on Fowey river~ I don't have pictures of this, 
but it' s a series of creeks near St Austell,
and the river it is surrounded by oak woods and footpaths, we ended up in a tiny village called Lerryn, where you feel like in a different time zone.
It was magical to observe the life from a different perspective, from a different pace, surrounded by emerald water reflections and golden sun light,
andwatch the fish playing jumping out from the water, as greeting us .
I had never kayaked before, thumbs up for trying new things!

transparent gel to apply over dry paint, that allows other layers to be put on top, 
as it renders the surface really matt and capable to absorb more paint .
I found it best to use over dried acrylic gouache and after that, I can use easily coloured pencils!

Roasted swede and... jalapeno peppers!

American documentary about the life and innovative work
of Fred Rogers, who invented a kids TV show and shared with children
 all of the humans experience and feelings. Eye opening!

Can't get enough of Rebecca Green
a colour master!

Happiness is foremost a state of consciousness that 
depends on our good understanding of things 
(Omraam Michael Aivanoov)

Here some of my BEST , hope you also have a long list of yours!
This year has been really intense and full of discoveries and personal growth.
I learnt deeply to care about myself and to not fight fear,
but taking it along and do things anyway.
More wonderful things will come in the New Year, I am sure!

AND to finish off, a nice collage of MY BEST 9 images of this Year!

All the best of everything for the New Year!

Saturday, 30 November 2019

Christmas Markets!

Hello everyone!
just to say that this year I will be taking part in some 
indie markets for Christmas!

Here dates and places where you can find me :

30 Nov/1 Dec : 10am to 4 pm, Michelangelo Restaurant, Ryde
7 December: 11 to 6 pm , East Cowes bus terminal ( in front of Waitrose )
16/21 Dec: 9 to 5pm  Monkton Arts , Monkton Street, Ryde

All on the magical Isle of Wight

Come and say Hi!

Thursday, 31 October 2019


It's Autumn,
Where the sun is in the leaves!
Nature really planned it well, all this season thing, 
as after the buzzing summer, all we need is a cosy nest.

During these early dark nights,
I have been reflecting on seasons.
How even in the day, there are seasons:
have you noticed how the colours turn up the volume in the morning, 
together with sounds,
and around sunset, all seems to take a rest?

So I think even Creativity has seasons,
and the productivity world fits it a bit tight.
Recently I struggled keeping up with client work,
because my Most inner nature wanted to rest, incubate, research,
all the things that animals do too, when the cold season comes.

I realized that being an artist is a wider thing than 
creating things, it is a way of life. 
Our brain works always like a building with many floors connected, 
it cooks together things that they don't seem to belong.

But if we don't allow experiences to happen, and just keep working away,
we dry out.

One of the things I realized, 
is that I was missing a part of me that lives in
Italian language.
My brain, when talking my first language,
takes different path, panoramic ones, poetic ones,
funny ones..
I kind of lost this part of myself living in the Uk, and talking all the
time its pragmatic language.

I loved taking pictures, too.
Sewing imperfect stuff.
Writing Poetry.

All of this I share now on my personal 
Instagram account, Quellefoglie

It's in Italian!

Now, update about work:
I have been so happy to collaborate with Harp on Wight Festival
for the 2019 edition

And a preview of 2020 just for you!

I hope to write again soon before the snow fills up my letterbox!

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Best books about Creativity ever

Hello everyone!
In this post I would like to share with you
my favorite books on the CREATIVITY subject, so far.
This is one of my most researched area, as I am a very creative soul
and I have been wondering in this world for a while, as I guess many of you.
Rolling drums, let's start then!

This one is my number one. It is like if this amazing writer is sitting
in you living room with you, and shares in this very cosy atmosphere
all her discoveries and insight about Creative living .
Yes, not only about creative arts, but first and foremost about Living creatively, 
that is for everybody.
There are several breakthrough through the book,
I really like when she explain about how better is thinking about
Curiosity versus Passion, and it is also full of true stories.
GIlbert is a writer , after all, she will keep you glued on the couch!

This one is a classic, of the kind that never go bad.
Julia Cameron is a top artist herself, and this is a 12 week program 
about recovering the joy of creating, get back what we loved doing, 
and free ourselved from limitations.
The most interesting part of the course for me is  the "Artist date",
a solo expedition that we would do once a week to fill our inner creative well,
to get inspired and playful.
To keep us light.
It is the most difficult task in all the book,
for many professionals and for people who put 
in the arts part of their income.
But is essential!
The other big excercise, a life long one, is to write down 
first thing in the morning , 3 page of long hand thoughts.
Whatever comes is fine, this is a cleaning system for the subconscious,
to keep the road free for creative ideas.

This is a collection of easy reading, travel friendly books,
all about creating a happy creative life.
It talks about the up and downs and is very insightful
on the everyday life tips to keep going as artists.
Few ideas from the book:
~when uninpired, make a gift for a specific friend or person you love~
~if we add extra attention to the ordinary, it becomes extraordinary~
~art is for life, not the other way around~

I am now about to start a new book, 
It came out this summer and it has so many good reviews!

Oh, by the way, I still have few 2020 calendars in my shop!
Get ready for a colorful New Year!

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Isle of Wight LIVING magazine

Recently I had the pleasure to 
talk with Kate Cranwell, a lovely journalist from
and the interview is featured in the August issue...
It is free and available all around the Isle of Wight, 
in hotels, gyms and tourist attraction venues and ferry terminal!

For all of you that can't access the paper version, I thought 
to post the content here

My work has been features in the newspapers here on the Island, 
but this is the first magazine
where my work appears 

and I am over the moon because
I could tell my story and in reading it,
I discover that is truly charming.
Also, Kate said really nice things
about my work, and this makes me really happy!

I hope you will also like the interview
and take with you some inspiration from it..

Here it is in its full lenght!

I am currently updating my website and working on new ideas, 
about which I surely will keep you posted, meanwhile 2020 calendars
are still available on my Etsy shop ,
and as I am near to the 200 sales, whoever will hit that magic number
will get a gift!

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Happy Summer!

The most colourful season of the year is arrived, 
and so far is just wonderful
to see all the meadows in their best dresses!

My exhibition at The Garlic Farm ( Isle of Wight)
ended with the most beautiful display 
that would have made
every painter dream to paint

And I was the most happy to see
my work with these surroundings

And now some deserved holidays are at the near horizon.

I am spending my days completing orders
(my 2020 calendars is  already for sale
in my Etsy shop!)

and the shop will stay open
with just a few days delayed shipping

I am very inspired for a new season of artworks
after the break,
and many projects I can't wait to see out in the world.
In the month of August, my plan is
to slow down, do LOTS of creative journaling
(AKA necessary Playing!)
and getting to know myself and my art taste better
flowing the advice of Andyj Pizza in his 229 episode of

I just uploaded my last recipe to

and I really am in Love with this summery colours, aren't you?

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

2020 Calendar is here!

I am so excited to introduce my new 2020 Calendar!
After the 2018 edition, many people asked me for new ones...

Well, I did plan to make one 2019 desk version,
but the planning of it went delayed and so ..
Hooray for the even numbers!

Waht is special about this calendar,
for me is that is full of curious characters,
and I did realize this ONLY when I arranged the images 
next to each other..
It made me smile, as I really wish the year
of everyone will be filled with friends and good company!

It is a limited edition and you can find it on 

The official release date is 22nd July,
and all the pre orders will get
a special dedication and gift from me!

I truly hope it will bring you joy,
as it did to me!

Monday, 15 April 2019

Exhibition is up!

From the 15 th April 2019
to the 30th of june
you can enjoy my colourful art
on the Isle of Wight!

It's the most stunning place in the wonderful
English countryside,
and there is a lot to discover !
I have been exhibiting here in 2017, and it was
one of my favourite venues...

Saturday 27th April at 2pm
you can meet me there and
enjoy my art together !

P.S. don't miss the wild peacocks on the grounds, 
they seem to own the place!

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Project Portfolio 2019

Hi There!
I am writing with an exciting news!
I am taking part in the 
hosted by Nina Rycroft

This is a FREE online event
launching next week, all about
how to make our portfolio great.
Many speakers will share their experiences on that, 
giving tips and help from different fields of creativity!

 Here all the folks! 
I am in there too, so happy to be
talking about the 
Plus, I share treasures of Bologna town.
Can't wait to see you there!

Saturday, 23 February 2019

My first notebooks!

Hello and welcome back to my blog!
I am so excited for this new
product now in sotck in my Etsy Shop !

Two new A5 notebooks!

The images come from my paintings, and 
I'm so happy about how they came out...

Let me know what you think!

Happy writing!

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

The power of beautiful things

Hello and happy New Year!

With the start of new things, new thoughts and new work,
I find myself
aware of the need to write not only
what I do, but more of how I feel doing it.

2018 has been hard, but everywhere are to be spotted treasures.
I was flooded by doubt on my work, as my transition to
a career into illustration
found myself struggling to take time off from personal things
and easy it is
to loose passion.

After all, I started the new year
experiencing the healing touch
of beautiful things.
We are all different, and so is
what we consider beautiful.
So, here is some things that make my heart smile

PATTERNS: I recently bought this book

and looking at it was more 
than eating the nicest piece of cake ever.
I wonder why patterns are so appealing to me,
maybe because of the thoughtful balance of colour, shapes and lines ?

FABRICS: specially wool and natural textiles,
have given me a sense of a story,
I loved re-using scraps of textile to create art
and to sew bags and things out of
gradma dresses ( textiles where so nice in their quality, in the past!)

GREEN LIFE: I find plants having
a wise, strong and delicate

I love going to garden centres, even just to take pictures 
( and more often than not, I can't resist buying something!)

I have tried hard to make a nice garden in my tiny backyard
and in some ways , I am happy with it.
A pond, moss and rescue plants are happy there,
and I managed to grow grass where all neighbours told me it was impossible.

COLOURS: yes, again colours is food for the eyes,
and for the soul. Look at this illustration by Carolyn Gavin,
isn't it nourishing our eyes?

I am a very colourful person, and for a period of my life,
for some reason I stopped to wear colours.
Now I discover that is vital to my mood and 
energy level.
I bought this book and I love it, it has inside a lot of 
colour combination according to the mood they suggest.

LANDSCAPES: that's when I feel I belong to a bigger Plan.
I love open spaces and they really bring back to perspective
all the everyday worries for me...

Sometimes, in the learning stage of a new life,
it's easy to feel lost.
But when we were small, if we gave up when trying to stand up, we would walk today...
what did keep us going at that time?
We still have it inside... let's bring it out!

That's why, I hold tight on the things I love.

My new year resolution
is just to play more
even at work.

Hope you can do the same, in your own way!