Saturday, 21 September 2019

Best books about Creativity ever

Hello everyone!
In this post I would like to share with you
my favorite books on the CREATIVITY subject, so far.
This is one of my most researched area, as I am a very creative soul
and I have been wondering in this world for a while, as I guess many of you.
Rolling drums, let's start then!

This one is my number one. It is like if this amazing writer is sitting
in you living room with you, and shares in this very cosy atmosphere
all her discoveries and insight about Creative living .
Yes, not only about creative arts, but first and foremost about Living creatively, 
that is for everybody.
There are several breakthrough through the book,
I really like when she explain about how better is thinking about
Curiosity versus Passion, and it is also full of true stories.
GIlbert is a writer , after all, she will keep you glued on the couch!

This one is a classic, of the kind that never go bad.
Julia Cameron is a top artist herself, and this is a 12 week program 
about recovering the joy of creating, get back what we loved doing, 
and free ourselved from limitations.
The most interesting part of the course for me is  the "Artist date",
a solo expedition that we would do once a week to fill our inner creative well,
to get inspired and playful.
To keep us light.
It is the most difficult task in all the book,
for many professionals and for people who put 
in the arts part of their income.
But is essential!
The other big excercise, a life long one, is to write down 
first thing in the morning , 3 page of long hand thoughts.
Whatever comes is fine, this is a cleaning system for the subconscious,
to keep the road free for creative ideas.

This is a collection of easy reading, travel friendly books,
all about creating a happy creative life.
It talks about the up and downs and is very insightful
on the everyday life tips to keep going as artists.
Few ideas from the book:
~when uninpired, make a gift for a specific friend or person you love~
~if we add extra attention to the ordinary, it becomes extraordinary~
~art is for life, not the other way around~

I am now about to start a new book, 
It came out this summer and it has so many good reviews!

Oh, by the way, I still have few 2020 calendars in my shop!
Get ready for a colorful New Year!

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