Thursday, 21 July 2022

Bright summer days


Hello friends,

a little update about summer in this little corner of the world...

As I am writing this, I just graduated as an Early Years Teacher

with a Level 6 degree in the Uk.

The best part of this journey was going tinto schools, meeting children from 0 to 7 years old,

and experience what life is for them. 

I learnt so much that I think I don't mistake by saying

that they were my main teachers!

Alongside that, the hardest part was to follow the university online system, 

 it was a true nightmare!

But I loved all the articles and books I could read.

I went to University by ferry and it was so special, and I always came back with a pile of books! 

I think learning is my favourite part of life, and this is what got me through the most difficult times.

I still vividly remember the first day, when I couldn't even understand what the teachers was talking about as they used so many acronyms and being a foreigner, it was like another language to learn!

But I didn't give up, after a day in tears, I buckled my shoes again and I got

 super high grades at the end.

To celebrate this big achievement, I went camping in Cornwall with a friend, and it was really a special time. 
We discovered the most amazing, friendly and laid back campsite, with sea view, botanical plants, cute private spaces for tents and music in the evening. 

Children were running free and barefoot and so did the ducks that carefully cleaned the pitches after visitors !

I also took part in the Rhythm Tree Festival
with a workshop for children all about trees,
and making a little book with them.It was a real highlight, they had so much fun!

It was a nice dry summer and this was great for outdoor markets...
In took part at two dates of the Art in The Garden market in Ryde, and it was nice 
to meet new and old faces, and there was a great atmosphere and  sense of community,
that I truly missed during the pandemic. For this events,
I created a special nature inspire stall who matched perfectly my art!

And lastly, I updated my online shop with all the lovely work 

created during the year and that I hadn't had time to print cause of studying.
I was afraid University would take away art the, but I jumped in my studio every week end
and that was so good. 
The art that came out of this year feels new, and it's heading in 
the direction I feel mostly me. 

Keep going little artists(that's what I say to my students, and I said it to me also!)

For now, I leave you with some inspiration I Found in these summer days

Current readings:

Favourite picnic recipe :

Favourite current exhibition:

Inspiring artists:

If you work with children, check out Cassie Stephens,
she's full of zest and inspiration !



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